A Message from
the President

As a corporate group that can help toward realizing a sustainable society, our goal is to become a company that can win more trust from all of our stakeholders, including local communities, our customers, our shareholders, and our employees.

As the largest coal mining company in Japan—with a background that included operating the Miike Coal Mine that was designated one UNESCO’s World Heritage sites of “Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution” in 2015—our Group played a major role in Japan’s modernization and post-World War II recovery.
In 2003, our Group was faced with a management crisis due to mine closures following on changes in the domestic coal industry. However, thanks to the tremendous support from various parties, we transformed ourselves into a manufacturer whose operations are now focused on the manufacture and sales of coke, which is indispensable to iron making and metal refining.

In the coke business, we have seen our mission as being to ensure the stable supply of high-grade coke. We have been working to reduce the impact we have on the environment by proactively investing with energy saving in mind such as on coal dry quenching (CDQ) systems and waste-plastic additive equipment, while improving our earning power through efficient production that gives consideration to safety and disaster prevention issues.
Furthermore, we have also sought to transform ourselves into a corporate entity with a multifaceted profit structure by launching businesses in non-coke-related areas such as fuel sales and resource recycling; sales of machines and equipment including the industry’s most advanced powder and granule manufacturing equipment; real estate; logistics, and IT services.

In the business environment we are in, companies are being called upon to have the ability to address sustainability concerns including becoming carbon neutral. With the business we do where coal is its main raw material, our Group recognizes that we are being called upon to be even more mindful of the global environment and do even more to reduce our environmental impact. Our Group is fulfilling the responsibility demanded of it to be called upon it as a member of society to make that society a sustainable one through all of our businesses.

Through these various initiatives, it is our intention to become a company that will increase its corporate value and, through the efforts of all of our Group’s employees, win even greater trust from all of our stakeholders, including local communities, our customers, our shareholders, and our employees.
I thank everyone for your continued support and enthusiasm for our efforts.

Representative Director, President